Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Next Day Prep List calls it the before bed routine. Others think of it as planning for tomorrow. Whatever you call it, the routine you go through to prepare for the next day is critical to staying organized and stress free. Here are some tips to make it effective for you.

Pick the time of day that works best for you. A before bed routine is great IF you are at least somewhat of a night person and have the energy to do the thinking and prepping. But what about if you are more of a morning person like me? Then a dinner hour routine may be better. While dinner cooks, do the prep work for the next day.

Include on your list the things that stress you out the most. Do you get most frustrated in the morning because
your technology isn't charged (i.e. phone, iPod, iPad or laptop, etc.) or because your outfit isn't picked out
Maybe you can't stand to leave the kitchen a mess. Whatever most stresses you, make sure this item is on
your "next day prep" checklist.

Prepare for more than one day in advance. If you are making sandwiches, for example, why not make a
couple more if it's the type that can remain fresh? For example, you can freeze peanut butter and jelly or
peanut butter and honey sandwiches for use the rest of the week.  When picking out one outfit, why not pick
out two or three?
Everyone's "next day prep" checklist will be different. Make it unique to you. When you wake up the next
morning, you'll be glad you did it!

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