Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Take It On Tuesday! Bedroom Closet, part 2

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Thanks for coming back this week to read the task.  I was afraid you may stay away because you knew we would be talking again about the bedroom closet!  Let me pause just a minute for those that may be reading this wondering what in the world I am talking about.  If you are just joining the blog, this is our fourth week in our closet clean-up work for the month of July.  Feel free to look at the previous posts and see what great work has been accomplished in the last few weeks.  Join in with us!

I don’t know how far you may have gotten last week, but I am going to move on to the clothes in your closet.  Again, I want to try to be very specific so that this task does not feel overwhelming.  I can totally relate to the fact that even thinking about working on our clothes in the closet brings about panic!  Let’s try to break it down.  Let’s first pick which season of clothes you want to look at right now.  I was going to suggest you go through winter clothes, but I decided to leave that up to your discretion.  Once you have chosen a season, I want you to pull out 10 pieces of clothing at a time.  Make a decision about what to do with those pieces before moving on.  Now, you may have a piece or two that you just are not sure about or wonder if you have something to complement that piece of clothing.  A “maybe pile” is permissible, but once that pile has gotten to ten pieces, you need to look at it again.  Tackle ten pieces of clothing at a time until you make it through that season’s clothes.  This is a perfect task to work on 15 to 20 minutes at a time.  If you are keeping the item, just hang it back up.  If you are discarding the piece make a pile for that as well.  There will be some mess while you get through the whole task, but it should be minimal.  Maybe give yourself the goal of having it done in 2 days or something similar to that.  Again, I welcome comments or suggestions from others about how they maintain their closet.

Karina Whisnant

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