Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Take It On! Tuesday - Coat Closet

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Are you ready for the second closet for the month?  If you are just seeing this blog for the first time we are in “clean out closet” July!  The tasks this month are all surrounding getting our closets in better shape. 

Let's deal with the coat closet!  This one is convicting for me.  It is so easy to just stuff not only coats but other miscellaneous stuff in this closet.  So in order not to get overwhelmed, let’s focus on a main goal.  If this is a small closet for you, I encourage you to pull out everything in the closet and just see what you have in there.  If you can easily (ha, ha) see things and know how you want to get it organized, then do that.  If that is too much, just focus on what is hanging in the closet and make a decision about those items. There are probably coats that need to be given away because they are too small or ones you aren’t even using.  Give them to Goodwill and let someone else benefit from your lovely purchase! 

I would love to hear how this is going for you guys.  Please comment!

Karina Whisnant

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